Saturday, July 20, 2013

QueenAzzara story part 2

The main issue here was, believe it or not, to find models. People in other contries
may think, ohhhhh! Sweden! Easy, piece of cake, girls in every corner who wanna
work as models.

Sorry! Nothing could be more wrong.

It is very har to find models in Sweden, which is a paradox, if you
consider the fact that there are a lot of sites that offer models, and
some model websites that are suposed to be like serious has hundreds of models
 more nude and nasty than playboy itself. Still those girls are hard to get in touch with to
work for a fetish website with "less nudity" than the previous work they did. That´s strange.
As if people don´t see them in those model websites. sure, sure!
And the most funny thing is, a lot of those models does TFP work, meaning, they don´t
get paid, just Time for Print, model gets pictures and photographers gets a new
nude model, hehehe! To be honest, who needs a lot of pictures year after year without
earning something? Without getting paid for their model work...

But the best part is probably some of the models I connected with who didn´t
show up on the set as they promised, because they were soooo good according
 to themselves, when I first spoke to them. And they call themseves serious!
Probably they don´t understand that they demolish a whole days work for 5-6 people
involved in As if it´s Ok to scam all people waiting, and with a lot
of technique, location etc. Everything costs money.

That´s even more strange.

Or models who says, - aaaa! What if some of my friends see me on a website?
The models turns down my offer, and then you see the same girl totally nude
exposing herself with bad quality cellphone photos on a blog, exposed for the whole
world to see. 
Don´t you think that´s kind of akward and strange? I mean, people
have free choice to do whatever they want, but give me a break. Would you guys
turn down a serious offer and also getting paid, with serious 8 pages model
contract written, and then expose yourself on a blog where you don´t have any
control who watches and who what could happen? Creepy! I would

probably give up both versions if I were hesitant.
But that tells more about their level, meaning models, and not how I am
as a website owner.

More to come in part 3.......

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