Wednesday, July 31, 2013

femdom, svensk fetisch, hot models, swedish hot girls, pantyhose, foot fetish, feet sex, facesitting, spanking, bondage and leather

Hoppas allt är OK med er, kära vänner. Börjar få igång en del med medlemmar på siten.
Dags nu att köra igång med riktigt marketing i steg 1.

Klicka på bannern för att besöka


I hope evrything is fine with you, dear friends. I´m starting to get some cool amount of members
on my website. Think it´s time to start the real marekting part 1, now.

Click on banner to visit

Friday, July 26, 2013

Queenazzara Webshop

Äntligen är min webbshop ute. Ja hoppas ni kommer att tycka om den lika mycket som jag gör.
Här kommer ni att kunna handla mina kläder jag och vissa andra modeller använt på fotograferingar
och film produktioner, sam även tryckta fotosets i begränsad upplaga och annat trevligt.

Klicka på bannern för att besöka

Finally my online shop there. Yes hope you will like it as much as I do.
Here you will be able to buy my clothes, I and some other models used for photo shoots
 and film productions, sam also printed photo sets of limited edition and other nice things.

Click on banner to visit

Saturday, July 20, 2013

QueenAzzara story part 2

The main issue here was, believe it or not, to find models. People in other contries
may think, ohhhhh! Sweden! Easy, piece of cake, girls in every corner who wanna
work as models.

Sorry! Nothing could be more wrong.

It is very har to find models in Sweden, which is a paradox, if you
consider the fact that there are a lot of sites that offer models, and
some model websites that are suposed to be like serious has hundreds of models
 more nude and nasty than playboy itself. Still those girls are hard to get in touch with to
work for a fetish website with "less nudity" than the previous work they did. That´s strange.
As if people don´t see them in those model websites. sure, sure!
And the most funny thing is, a lot of those models does TFP work, meaning, they don´t
get paid, just Time for Print, model gets pictures and photographers gets a new
nude model, hehehe! To be honest, who needs a lot of pictures year after year without
earning something? Without getting paid for their model work...

But the best part is probably some of the models I connected with who didn´t
show up on the set as they promised, because they were soooo good according
 to themselves, when I first spoke to them. And they call themseves serious!
Probably they don´t understand that they demolish a whole days work for 5-6 people
involved in As if it´s Ok to scam all people waiting, and with a lot
of technique, location etc. Everything costs money.

That´s even more strange.

Or models who says, - aaaa! What if some of my friends see me on a website?
The models turns down my offer, and then you see the same girl totally nude
exposing herself with bad quality cellphone photos on a blog, exposed for the whole
world to see. 
Don´t you think that´s kind of akward and strange? I mean, people
have free choice to do whatever they want, but give me a break. Would you guys
turn down a serious offer and also getting paid, with serious 8 pages model
contract written, and then expose yourself on a blog where you don´t have any
control who watches and who what could happen? Creepy! I would

probably give up both versions if I were hesitant.
But that tells more about their level, meaning models, and not how I am
as a website owner.

More to come in part 3.......

Friday, July 19, 2013

azzara double spanking businessmen

La upp lite cool på min youtubekanal. Första filmen som jag lagt upp där.
En liten teaser där jag dubbelspankar affärsmän.


I uploaded a cool video on my youtube channel. The first movie clip I´ve uploaded.
A small teaser where I double spank some businessmen.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

QueenAzzara story part 1

My main photographer shows one of my models how the legs should be in a photo.

Tänkte jag skulle skriva lite story om hur startade och utvecklades.

Kör storyn i flera delar för att det inte ska bli för mycket att läsa på en gång.

Här kommer del 1. Storyn är tyvärr bara på engelska just nu

QueenAzzara story part 1

A small story behind my website and how it all


I was talking to a  photographer I know back in 2010 who thought I would be
the right person for a fetish site, because he know that I love cool n erotic fetish.

This photographer and his associate sat with me for a few hours and we
talked about everything connected to fetish and soft erotic websites. It
felt right away like "this is the real deal". No small talk, no fancy " we
gonna own the world" talk, just a lot of down to earth talk.
And it felt real. So I said - YES, I wanna be a part of this.

So in short, that day we created the basic stuff for

After that we sat down a few times thinking about what kind of  fetish
would be nice to have.
A lot of websites have so called fetish but it is more regular hardcore,
than fetish. If you know what I mean. That´s not my idea of a cool website.

But we came up with  lot of new and cool ideas that we thought would be
like, - Whooaaaa!!This is sooo coooool!
We did some test shooting and had a target group with people who was like
guinea pigs. And they liked almost all stuff.

So after that we thought about starting  the whole project,

The main problem then, wasn´t were to shoot all productions, or how to
shoot all productions,or not even all technique we had to have.
That´s was no problem. Studios and technique was ready to go.

More to come in part 2..............

Friday, July 5, 2013

PVC corset with chains

Jag hittade denna underbara korsett + trosor till siten och blev jätte glad! Ännu gladare blev jag när de kom hem och de satt PERFEKT på min kropp. Detta kommer användas till ganska många olika fotosessioner eftersom det ser så bra ut på bild med PVC material. Därefter kommer även dessa säljas i min webbshopp.


I found this lovely corset + panties to the queenazzara site and was very happy! I was even happier when they got home and they were PERFECT on my body. This will be used for quite a number of photo sessions because it looks so good on the picture with PVC material. Subsequently, these will also be sold
in my webshop after I have used them enough.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A day at a photo session with an oldfart

Ibland gillar jag att ha med någon gammal fis till affärsman som tittar på när jag har mina produktioner.
Dom får bara titta, inte röra. Stackars gubbar. Jag vet att det är svårt att hålla sig. Men, men!
Det är QueenAzzara regler, dvs mina regler. Men jag vet att dessa gubbar är glada bara dom
får vara med och titta på och hejja fram mig när jag fotograferas.


Sometimes I like to have some oldfart  businessman watching  when I have my productions.
They can only look, not touch. Poor guys. I know it's difficult to stay cool. But, but!
It is QueenAzzaras rules, ie, my rules. But I know these guys are happy just to be
allowed to participate and watch and cheer me up when I am photographed.
